1. Format Functions

The expression fmt(arg) returns a printable object that contains a copy or reference of arg as well as format information that can be edited with the member functions listed in the tables below.

auto str = strf::to_string( +*strf::fmt(1.0).sci().fill(U'~') ^ 15 );
assert(str == "~~~~+1.e+01~~~~")
Table 1. Alignment format functions — for all printable types
Member function Effect

operator<(std::int16_t width)

Aligns to the left ( Or to the right right-to-left (RTL) script )

operator>(std::int16_t width)

Aligns to the right ( Or to the left right-to-left (RTL) script )

operator^(std::int16_t width)

Center alignment

operator%(std::int16_t width)

Splits the content, as in std::internal.

fill(char32_t ch)

Sets the fill character.

Table 2. When arg is a numeric value
Member function Effect

p(unsigned precision)

Sets the precision. For integers and floating points.


Uses the binary base. For integers only


Uses the octal base. For integers only


Uses the decimal base. For integers only


Uses the hexadecimal base. For integers and floating points.


Prints base indication on integers. Print decimal point on floating points.


Prints '+' for non negative values. For integers and floating points.


Uses fixed notation. For floating points only.


Uses scientific notation. For floating points only.


Uses "general" notation. For floating points only.

Table 3. When arg is a character
Member function Effect

multi(std::size_t count)

Prints the argument count times.

Table 4. When arg is a string
Member function Effect

p(width_t precision)

Sets string precision

template <typename Enc> sanitize_from_encoding(Enc enc)

Transcodes the input string from the character encoding represented by enc, or just sanitizes it if enc is also the destination encoding.

template <typename Enc> convert_from_encoding(Enc enc)

Transocdes the input string from the character encoding represented by enc, if it is not already destination encoding.

template <typename Enc> sani(Enc enc)

Equivalent to sanitize_from_encoding(enc)

template <typename Enc> conv(Enc enc)

Equivalent to convert_from_encoding(enc)

template <typename Enc> sanitize_encoding()

Transcodes the input string from the character encoding that corresponds to its character type, or just sanitizes it if it same as the destination encoding.

template <typename Enc> convert_encoding()

Transsodes the input string from the character encoding that correspods to its character type, if it is not already the same as the destination encoding.

The library also provides some global function templates that work as alias to format functions:

Expression Equivalent Expression

left(arg, width)

fmt(arg) < width

right(arg, width)

fmt(arg) > width

center(arg, width)

fmt(arg) ^ width

split(arg, width)

fmt(arg) % width

left(arg, width, ch)

fmt(arg).fill(ch) < width

right(arg, width, ch)

fmt(arg).fill(ch) > width

center(arg, width, ch)

fmt(arg).fill(ch) ^ width

split(arg, width, ch)

fmt(arg).fill(ch) % width















sci(arg, precision)


fixed(arg, precision)


gen(arg, precision)


multi(arg, count)


sani(arg, enc)


conv(arg, enc)






auto str = strf::to_string( +*strf::center(1.0, 9, U'~') );
assert(str == "~~~+1.~~~")

2. Destinations

Expression Header

to (outbuff_ref) (args...)


to (char_ptr, count) (args...)


to (char_ptr, end) (args...)


to (char_array) (args...)


to_basic_string <CharT, Traitsopt, Aopt> (args...)


to_string (args...)


to_u8string (args...)


to_u16string (args...)


to_u16string (args...)


to_wstring (args...)


to (streambuf_ptr) (args...)


to (streambuf_ref) (args...)


to <CharTopt> (cfile) (args...)


wto (cfile) (args...)



  • CharT is a charater type.

  • Traits is a CharTraits type.

  • A is an Allocator type

  • char_ptr is a CharT* value, where CharT is a character type.

  • end is a CharT* value, where CharT is a character type.

  • count is a std::size_t value

  • streambuf_ptr is a std::streambuf<CharT, Traits>*

  • streambuf_ref is a std::streambuf<CharT, Traits>&

  • cfile is a FILE*

  • outbuff_ref is a basic_outbuff<CharT>&, where CharT is a character type.

  • args... is an argument list of printable values.

strf::to(outbuff_ref) (args...)
Return type


Return value


Supports reserve

No See the list of types that derive from basic_outbuff<CharT>&.

strf::to(char_ptr, count) (args...);
strf::to(char_ptr, end)   (args...);
strf::to(char_array)      (args...);
Header file


  • count > 0

  • end > char_ptr

Return type


Return value

a value r, such that:

  • r.ptr points to last written character which is always '\0'.

  • r.truncated is true when the destination string is too small.


The termination character '\0' is always written.

Supports reserve


strf::to_basic_string <CharT, Traitsopt, Aopt> ( args... )
Return type

std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, A>

Supports reserve


strf::to_string ( args... )
Return type


Supports reserve


strf::to_u8string ( args... )
Return type


Supports reserve


strf::to_u16string ( args... )
Return type


Supports reserve


strf::to_u32string ( args... )
Return type


Supports reserve


strf::to_wstring ( args... )
Return type


Supports reserve


to(streambuf_ptr)  (args...);
to(streambuf_ref)  (args...);
Return type

basic_streambuf_writer<CharT, Traits>::result

Return value

A value r, such that:

  • r.count is equal to the number of successfully written characters.

  • r.success is false if an error occurred

Supports reserve


to<CharTopt>(cfile) (args...)

Successively call std::fwrite(buffer, sizeof(CharT),/*...*/, cfile) until the whole content is written or until an error happens, where buffer is an internal array of CharT.

Return type


Return value
  • count is sum of the returned values returned by the several calls to std::fwrite.

  • success is false if an error occured.

Supports reserve


wto(cfile) (args...)

3. Derivates of basic_outbuff

The table below lists the concrete types that derivate from the basic_outbuff<CharT> abstract class.

Type Description


Writes C strings


Discard content

basic_string_appender<CharT, Traitsopt, Aopt>

Appends to std::basic_string objects.

basic_string_maker<CharT, Traitsopt, Aopt>

Creates std::basic_string objects.

basic_sized_string_maker<CharT, Traitsopt, Aopt>

Creates std::basic_string objects with pre-reserved capacity

basic_streambuf_writer<CharT, Traitsopt>

Writes to std::basic_streambuf object


Writes to FILE* using narrow-oriented functions.


Writes to FILE* using wide-oriented functions.


4. Tr-string

auto s = strf::to_string.tr("{} in hexadecimal is {}", x, strf::hex(x));

The tr-string is like what in other formatting libraries would be called as the format string, except that it does not specify any formatting. Its purpose is to enable your program to provide multilingual support by using translation tools like gettext.

Since it is common for the person who writes the string to be translated not being the same who translates it, the tr-string syntax allows the insertion of comments.

Table 5. Syntax
A '{' followed by until means


the next '}' or end of string

a comment

a digit

the next '}' or end of string

a positional argument reference

another '{'

the second '{'

an escaped '{'

any other character

the next '}' or end of string

a non positional argument reference

auto str = strf::to_string.tr
    ( "You can learn more about python{-the programming language, not the animal species} at {}"
    , "www.python.org" );
assert(str == "You can learn more about python at www.python.org");
Positional arguments

Position zero refers to the first input argument. The characters the after the digits are ignored. So they can also be used as comments.

auto str = strf::to_string.tr("{1 a person} likes {0 a food type}.", "sandwich", "Paul");
assert(str == "Paul likes sandwich.");
Non positional arguments

The characters the after the '{' are ignored as well

auto str = strf::to_string.tr("{a person} likes {a food type}.", "Paul", "sandwich");
assert(str == "Paul likes sandwich.");

Note there is no way and no need to escape the '}' character, since it has special meaning only when corresponding to a previous ’{'

auto str = strf::to_string.tr("} {{x} {{{} {{{}}", "aaa", "bbb");
assert(str == "} {x} {aaa {bbb}");

Tr-string error handling

When the argument associated with a "{" does not exists, the library does two things:

5. Facet Categories

Category Constrainable Description



Defines how the width is calculated



Numeric punctuation for decimal base



Numeric punctuation for hexadecimal base



Numeric punctuation for octal base



Numeric punctuation for binary base



Letter case for printing numeric and booleans values



The character encoding correponding to character type CharT



Callback to notify character encoding nonconformities.



Wheter surrogates are treated as errors



Callback to notify errors on the tr-string

6. Numeric punctuation

The numpunct class template defines punctuation for integers, void* and floating points. It comprises the "thousands" separator, the decimal point and the grouping pattern. The integer sequence passed to the constructor defines the grouping. The last group is repeated, unless you add the -1 argument:

auto str1 = strf::to_string.with(numpunct<10>(1, 2, 3))(1000000000000ll);
assert(str1 == "1,000,000,000,00,0");

auto str2 = strf::to_string.with(numpunct<10>(1, 2, 3, -1))(1000000000000ll);
assert(str2 == "1000000,000,00,0");

This numpunct constructor has some preconditions:

  • No more than six arguments can be passed.

  • No argument can be greater than 30.

  • No argument can be less than 1, unless it is the last argument and it’s equal to -1.

When default constructed, the numpunct has no grouping, i.e. the thousands separator is never printed.

The default thousands separator and decimal point are U',' and U'.', repectively. To change them, use the thousands_sep and decimal_point member functions:

auto my_punct = numpunct<10>(3).thousands_sep(U'\'').decimal_point(U':');
auto str = strf::to_string.with(my_punct)(1000000.5);
assert(str == "1'000'000:5");

//or as lvalue:
auto my_punct2 = numpunct<10>(3);

auto str = strf::to_string.with(my_punct2)(1000000.5);
assert(str == "1;000;000^5");

Numeric punctuation from locale

The header file <strf/locale.hpp> declares the locale_numpunct function, which returns a numpunct<10> object that reflects the current locale:

#include <strf/locale.hpp>
#include <strf/to_string.hpp>

void sample() {
    if (setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "de_DE")) {
        const auto punct_de = strf::locale_numpunct();
        auto str = strf::to_string.with(punct_de) (*strf::fixed(10000.5))
        assert(str == "10.000,5");

7. Letter case

The lettercase facet affects the letter cases when printing numeric values. The default value is strf::lowercase.

namespace strf {

enum class lettercase { lower = /*...*/, mixed = /*...*/, upper = /*...*/ };

constexpr lettercase lowercase = lettercase::lower;
constexpr lettercase mixedcase = lettercase::mixed;
constexpr lettercase uppercase = lettercase::upper;

Table 6. Printed numeric values examples
Value Result examples


0xab 1e+50 inf nan true false


0xAB 1e+50 Inf NaN True False



Usage example
auto str_upper = strf::to_string.with(strf::uppercase)
    ( *strf::hex(0xabc), ' '
    , 1.0e+50, ' '
    , std::numeric_limits<FloatT>::infinity() );

assert(str_upper == "0XAB 1E+50 INF");

auto str_mixed = strf::to_string.with(strf::mixedcase)
    ( *strf::hex(0xabc), ' '
    , 1.e+50, ' '
    , std::numeric_limits<FloatT>::infinity() );

assert(str_mixed == "0xAB 1e+50 Inf");

8. Character encodings

The class templates below are facets that specify the character encoding corresponding to the character type. Their instances are always empty classes. More encodings are expected to be included in future version of the library.

namespace strf {

template <typename CharT> struct ascii;
template <typename CharT> struct iso_8859_1;
template <typename CharT> struct iso_8859_3;
template <typename CharT> struct iso_8858_15;
template <typename CharT> struct windows_1252;

template <typename CharT> struct utf8;
template <typename CharT> struct utf16;
template <typename CharT> struct utf32;

template <typename CharT>
using utf = /* utf8<CharT> , utf16<CharT> or utf32<CharT> */
            /* , depending on sizeof(CharT) */;

} // namespace strf
Example: write in Windows-1252
auto s = strf::to_string
    .with(strf::numpunct<10>{4, 3, 2}.thousands_sep(0x2022))
    ("one hundred billions = ", 100000000000ll);

// The character U+2022 is encoded as '\225' in Windows-1252
assert(s == "one hundred billions = 1\2250000\225000\2250000");

Encoding conversion

Since the library knows the encoding correspondig to each character type, and knows how to convert from one to another, it is possible to mix input string of difference characters types, though you need to use the function conv:

auto str   = strf::to_string( "aaa-"
                            , strf::conv(u"bbb-")
                            , strf::conv(U"ccc-")
                            , strf::conv(L"ddd") );

auto str16 = strf::to_u16string( strf::conv("aaa-")
                               , u"bbb-"
                               , strf::conv(U"ccc-")
                               , strf::conv(L"ddd") );

assert(str   ==  "aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd");
assert(str16 == u"aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd");

The conv function can also specify an alternative encoding for a specific input string argument:

auto str_utf8 = strf::to_u8string
    ( strf::conv("--\xA4--", strf::iso_8859_1<char>())
    , strf::conv("--\xA4--", strf::iso_8859_15<char>()));

assert(str_utf8 == u8"--\u00A4----\u20AC--");

The sani function has the same effect as conv, except when the input encoding is same as the output. In this case sani causes the input to be sanitized, whereas conv does not:

auto str = strf::to_string
    .with(strf::iso_8859_3<char>()) // the output encoding
    ( strf::conv("--\xff--")                             // not sanitized
    , strf::conv("--\xff--", strf::iso_8859_3<char>())   // not sanitized ( same encoding )
    , strf::conv("--\xff--", strf::utf8<char>())         // sanitized ( different encoding )
    , strf::sani("--\xff--")                             // sanitized
    , strf::sani("--\xff--", strf::iso_8859_3<char>()) ) // sanitized

assert(str == "--\xff----\xff----?----?----?--");

The library replaces the invalid sequences by the replacement character �, if the destination encoding supports it. Otherwise, '?' is printed, as in the above code snippet.

An "invalid sequence" is any input that is non-conformant to the source encoding, or that is impossible to write, in a conformant way, in the destination encoding. But there is an optional exception for surrogates characters.

When the input is UTF-8, the library follows the practice recommended by the Unicode Standard regarding to calculate how many replacement characters to print for each non-conformant input sequence. ( see for "Best Practices for Using U+FFFD" in Chapter 3 ).
The library does not sanitizes non-conformities when converting a single character, like punctuation characters or the the fill character ( they are in UTF-32 ). In this case the replacement character is only used when the destination encoding is not able to print the codepoint. For example, if the you use (char32_t)0xFFFFFFF as the decimal point, then it will printed as "\uFFFD" if the destination is UTF-8 or UTF-16, but if the destination is UTF-32, then the library just writes (char32_t)0xFFFFFFF verbatim.

Surrogates tolerance

There is one particular kind of nonconformity that you may sometimes want to permit, which is the invalid presence of surrogate characters. That is particular common on Windows, where you may have an old file name, created at the time of Windows 95 ( where wide strings were UCS-2 ) and that contains some unpaired surrogates. If you then treat it as UTF-16 and convert it to UTF-8 and back to UTF-16, you get a different name.

So the library provides the surrogate_policy enumeration, which is a facet that enables you to turn off the surrogate sanitization.

namespace strf {
enum class surrogate_policy : bool { strict = false, lax = true };

When the value is surrogate_policy::strict, which is the default, if an UTF-16 input contains a high surrogate not followed by a low surrogate, or a low surrogate not following a high surrogate, that is considered invalid and is thus sanitized. When the value is surrogate_policy::lax, those situations are allowed.

std::u16string original {u'-', 0xD800 ,u'-', u'-', u'-'};

// convert to UTF-8
auto str_strict = strf::to_u8string(strf::conv(original));
auto str_lax =
    strf::to_u8string .with(strf::surrogate_policy::lax) (strf::conv(original));

assert(str_strict == u8"-\uFFFD---");                  // surrogate sanitized
assert(str_lax == (const char8_t*)"-\xED\xA0\x80---"); // surrogate allowed

// convert back to UTF-16
auto utf16_strict = strf::to_u16string(strf::conv(str_lax));
auto utf16_lax =
    strf::to_u16string .with(strf::surrogate_policy::lax) (strf::conv(str_lax));

assert(utf16_strict == u"-\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD---");     // surrogate sanitized
assert(utf16_lax == original);                         // surrogate preserved

Encoding error notifier function

The facet invalid_seq_notifier contains a function pointer that is called every time an ivalid sequence is sanitized, unless it is null, which is the default.

The code below throws an exception if u16str contains any invalid sequence:

std::u16string u16str = /* ... */;
notifier_func =  [](){
    throw std::sytem_error(std::make_error_code(std::errc::illegal_byte_sequence));
strf::invalid_seq_notifier notifier{ notifier_func };

auto str = strf::to_string.width(notifier)(strf::conv(u16str));

9. Width Calculation

The width_calculator_c facet category enables you to choose how the width of a string is calculated when using alignment formatting. You have five options:

  • The fast_width facet assumes that the width of a string is equal to its size. This is the least accurate method, but it’s the fastest and also is what others formatting libraries usually do. Therefore it’s the default facet.

    auto str = "15.00 \xE2\x82\xAC \x80"; // "15.00 € \x80"
    auto result = strf::to_string.with(strf::fast_width{})
                 ( strf::right(str, 12, '*') );
    assert(result == "*15.00 \xE2\x82\xAC \x80"); // width calculated as 11
  • The width_as_fast_u32len facet evaluates the width of a string as the number of Unicode code points. However, differently from width_as_u32len, to gain performance, it assumes that the measured string is totally conformant to its encoding. Nonconformities do not cause undefined behaviour, but lead to incorrect values. For example, the width of an UTF-8 string may simply be calculated as the number of bytes that are not in the range [0x80, 0xBF], i.e., are not continuation bytes. So that an extra continuation byte — that would replaced by a "\uFFFD" during sanitization — is not counted.

    auto str = "15.00 \xE2\x82\xAC \x80"; // "15.00 € \x80"
    auto result = strf::to_string .with(strf::width_as_fast_u32len{})
                 ( strf::right(str, 12, '*'));
    assert(result == "****15.00 \xE2\x82\xAC \x80"); // width calculated as 8
  • The width_as_u32len facet also evaluates the width of a string as the number of Unicode code points. But each nonconformity to the encoding is counted as an extra code points ( as if it were replaced by replacement character � ).

    auto str = "15.00 \xE2\x82\xAC \x80"; // "15.00 € \x80"
    auto result = strf::to_string .with(strf::width_as_u32len{})
                 ( strf::right(str, 12, '*'));
    assert(result == "***15.00 \xE2\x82\xAC \x80"); // width calculated as 9
  • The make_width_calculator function template takes a function object f as paramenter and returns a facet object that calculates the width of the strings by converting them to UTF-32 ( following the policy associated to invalid_seq_policy::replace ) and then calling f to evaluate the width of each UTF-32 character. f shall take a char32_t parameter and return a width_t, which is a type that implements Q16.16 fixed-point arithmetics. This means that can use non itegral values.

    auto wfunc = [](char32_t ch) → strf::width_t {
        using namespace strf::width_literal;
        static const strf::width_t roman_numerals_width [] = {
            0.5642_w, 1.1193_w, 1.6789_w, 1.8807_w, 1.2982_w, 1.8853_w,
            2.4954_w, 3.0046_w, 1.8945_w, 1.3624_w, 1.9035_w, 2.4771_w,
            1.1789_w, 1.4495_w, 1.4128_w, 1.7294_w
        if (ch < 0x2160 || ch > 0x216F) {
            return 1;
        return roman_numerals_width[ch - 0x2160];
    auto my_wcalc = strf::make_width_calculator(wfunc);
    auto str = u8"\u2163 + \u2167 = \u216B"; // "Ⅳ + Ⅷ = Ⅻ"
    auto result = strf::to_u8string.with(my_wcalc) (strf::right(str, 18, '.'));
    // width calculated as 13.3624, rounded to 13:
    assert(result == u8".....\u2163 + \u2167 = \u216B");
  • The fifth option is to implement your own width calculator. This implies to create a class that satisfies the WidthCalculator type requirements. There are two reasons why you may want to do that, instead of the of the previous options:

    • Accuracy: The previous methods are not able to take into account the presence of ligatures and digraphs.

    • Peformance: The object returned by make_width_calculator converts the string to UTF-32 before calling the provided function object for each UTF-32 character. When you implement your own calculator, you can optimize it to directly measure strings that are encoded in a specific encoding.

The width calculation algorithm is applied on the input, not the output string. Keep that in mind when converting from one encoding to another using conv or sani. For example, when converting from UTF-8 to UTF-16 and using the fast_width facet, the width of the string is its size in UTF-8, not in UTF-16.

auto str = "15.00 \xE2\x82\xAC \x80"; // "15.00 € \x80"

auto res1 = strf::to_u16string.with(strf::fast_width{})
            (strf::conv(str) > 12);
auto res2 = strf::to_u16string.with(strf::width_as_fast_u32len{})
            (strf::conv(str) > 12);
auto res3 = strf::to_u16string.with(strf::width_as_u32len{})
            (strf::conv(str) > 12);

assert(res1 == u" 15.00 \u20AC \uFFFD");  // width calculated as strlen(str)
assert(res2 == u"    15.00 \u20AC \uFFFD"); // width calculated as 8
assert(res3 == u"   15.00 \u20AC \uFFFD"); // width calculated as 9

10. Ranges

Without formatting

range(range_obj, funcopt)

range(array, funcopt)

range(begin, end, funcopt)

separated_range(range_obj, separator, funcopt)

separated_range(array, separator, funcopt)

separated_range(begin, end, separator, funcopt)


  • range_obj is an object whose type is a Container type

  • begin and end are iterators

  • separator is a raw string of CharT, where CharT is the destination character type.

  • func is unary a function object such that the type of expression func(x) is printable where x is an element of the range.

int arr[3] = { 11, 22, 33 };

auto str = strf::to_string(strf::range(arr));
assert(str == "112233");

str = strf::to_string(strf::separated_range(arr, ", "));
assert(str == "11, 22, 33");

auto op = [](auto x){ return strf::join('(', +strf::fmt(x * 10), ')'); };

str = strf::to_string(strf::separated_range(arr, ", ", op));
assert(str == "(+110), (+220), (+330)");

With formatting



fmt_range(begin, end)

fmt_separated_range(range_obj, separator)

fmt_separated_range(array, separator)

fmt_separated_range(begin, end, separator)

Any format function applicable to the element type of the range can also be applied to the expression strf::fmt_range(/*...*/) or strf::fmt_separated_range(/*...*/). It causes the formatting to be applied to each element.

Example 1
std::vector<int> vec = { 11, 22, 33 };
auto str1 = strf::to_string("[", +strf::fmt_separated_range(vec, " ;") > 6, "]");
assert(str1 == "[   +11 ;   +22 ;   +33]");
Example 2
int array[] = { 11, 22, 33 };
auto str2 = strf::to_string
    ( "["
    , *strf::fmt_separated_range(array, " / ").fill('.').hex() > 6,
    " ]");

assert(str2 == "[..0xfa / ..0xfb / ..0xfc]");

11. Joins

Simple joins


Joins enables you to group a set of input arguments as one:

auto str = strf::to_string.tr("Blah blah blah {}.", strf::join("abc", '/', 123))
assert(str == "Blah blah blah abc/123")

They can be handy to create aliases:

struct date{ int day, month, year; };

auto as_yymmdd = [](date d) {
    return strf::join( strf::dec(d.year % 100).p(2), '/'
                     , strf::dec(d.month).p(2), '/'
                     , strf::dec(d.day).p(2) );
date d {1, 1, 1999};
auto str = strf::to_string("The day was ", as_yymmdd(d), '.');
assert(str == "The day was is 99/01/01.");

Aligned joins

You can apply any of the alignment format function on the expression join(args...)

auto str = strf::to_string(strf::join("abc", "def", 123) > 15);
assert(str == "      abcdef123);

Or use any of the expressions below:

join_align(width, alignment, chopt, split_posopt) (args...)

join_left(width, chopt) (args...)

join_right(width, chopt) (args...)

join_center(width, chopt) (args...)

join_split(width, split_pos) (args...)

join_split(width, ch, split_pos) (args...)

join(args...).split_pos(split_pos) % width


  • args... are the values to be printed

  • width is a value of type std::int16_t

  • alignment is a value of type text_alignment

  • ch is a value of type char32_t

  • split_pos is a value of type std::size_t

auto str = strf::to_string(strf::join_split(15, U'.', 2)("abc", "def", 123));

12. Extending the library (to-do)

Adding output types


Adding printable types


Adding Facets


Adding character encodings
