Header-only or static library

The header-only variant has shown better performance on clang and gcc [1] and does not necessarily make the generated binaries bigger — it depends on how much Strf is invoked in your code.[2]

To use Strf as a header-only all you need to do is to add to the include paths of your project the include directory that is inside root directory of Strf. To use Strf as a static library you need also to define the macro STRF_SEPARATE_COMPILATION. To genereate the static library you only need to compile one source file: src/strf.cpp.

Or, you can use CMake.

If you are using CMake

If you use CMake, you are probably already know with the proccess. Anyway:

Option 1: The simple way ( using add_subdirectory )

I don’t see the CMake documentation recomending this approach, but I also don’t see any problem in it when importing a library that is small and has no dependencies, which is the case of Strf. The idea is that you copy the whole Strf folder ( the one that is created by the command git clone https://github.com/robhz786/strf ) somewhere inside your project directory ( like in a external/ or third_party/ subdirectory ), and then, in your CMakeLists.txt file, you add the command:


This adds two targets in your project: Strf::StrfHeaderOnly and Strf::StrfStatic.

Option 2: Export and import

First you install Strf in some location:

git clone https://github.com/robhz786/strf
mkdir build_strf
cd build_strf
cmake ../strf
cmake --build .
cmake --install . --prefix <installation-directory>

The <installation-directory> used above must added to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable used in your CMake project.

cmake -G <generator-name> -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<installation-directory> …​ <path-to-source>

Then, the command find_package(Strf) will bring into your project the targets Strf::StrfHeaderOnly and Strf::StrfStatic.

# In your CMake project file:
# ...

target_link_libraries(your_target Strf::StrfHeaderOnly)
# or
# target_link_libraries(your_target Strf::StrfStatic)

Running the unit tests

To build the unit test, just turn on the STRF_BUILD_TEST CMake option:

cmake -G <generator-name>  -DSTRF_BUILD_TEST=ON …​ <Strf-root-dir>
cmake --build . && ctest

Freestanding Strf

There is an experimental variant of the Strf library: if you use the CMake option STRF_FREESTANDING ( through the cmake command option -DSTRF_FREESTANDING=ON ), then Strf will only depend on freestanding parts of the C++ Standard Library. Not even the functions declared in <cstring> header ( like memcpy and strcpy ) are used, unless you use the CMake option STRF_WITH_CSTRING ( by passing the command option -DSTRF_WITH_CSTING=ON ). This options causes Strf to use <cstring> functions even when STRF_FREESTANDING is on, which is highly recommended when such functions are available ( because Strf will otherwise use slow loop-based alternatives )

If you are not using CMake, you instead define the macros:

// Make sure these defines come before including any of the library's header
#include <strf.hpp>

1. http://robhz786.github.io/strf-benchmarks/v0.16.0/results.html
2. http://robhz786.github.io/strf-benchmarks/v0.16.0/results.html#_compilation_performance